
We welcome admissions from new students at any time during the school year. Our admissions coordinators will invite prospective students and their parents or caregivers for a first meeting at our school. During this meeting, the application form is completed. In order to ensure a swift admission to the ISK, we will need a valid proof of identification and the date of arrival in the Netherlands.

Student with a (basic) knowledge of the Dutch language, will immediately be placed in a fitting profile and group. This is the case for students who have already attended another ISK or who have attended primary education in the Netherlands.

Once admitted, students will be tested on three different subjects: language, mathematics and speed of learning. Additionally, we will use information provided by previous schools the student has attended. All of this information combined will help us to determine the most fitting profile for the student.

Students who have no knowledge of the Dutch language, will be placed in a so-called intake-group. They will remain here for approximately six weeks, during which time we collect information regarding the student’s educational background. This ‘prolonged intake’ enables us to determine which one of our three profiles is most fitting for the student.

When a student applies for the new school year, he or she will be invited for an introductory meeting at the ISK before the summer holidays. During this meeting, he or she will be tested on three different subjects: language, mathematics and speed of learning.